Monday, July 11, 2011

I'm Still Here, Only Somewhere Else!

Hi Mamas! Just wanted to let you all know that I'm still here only I've moved myself over to my business blog Celebrate Motherhood Boutique, because as we all know, there's no way I can keep up two blogs. Heck, I couldn't even keep up one!

I'm just starting out over there as well but plan on having posts related to my business, moms in business, and motherhood in general. Oh, and whatever else I feel like talking about. I'm even planning on holding some giveaways and maybe a product review or two, but mostly it will just be me...talking....I mean, writing. Aren't you all excited? (I know you are, I can feel it.)

Anyway, I would appreciate it immensely if you would stop over and take a look, maybe sign up  to follow me, so I won't feel so lonely. And while you're at it maybe you could check out my little store and let me know what you all think. I actually miss my blogging mama friends, can't wait to catch up on what you all have been doing! Off to check out my blog reader now! Thanks mamas, hope to see you soon!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Hello, Yes, It's Been Awhile

Oh my poor neglected blog~LOL! Ladies....well, those of you who are still with me....I have been busy putting my dreams into action. My dream of owning my own boutique is still on hold, but I've taken a step towards it and in the right direction. I officially launched my business locally and have a spot at our Market on Saturday. I've taken the plunge and opened Celebrate Motherhood, we carry unique gifts and custom tees created by moms. Our products are either mom made or invented, and our mission is to support mom owned businesses. I am also working on creating an online store, so apart from being gone on Saturdays I can for the most part remain a stay at home mom to my four awesome kiddos. :)

I've only been at this for 5 weeks now, and business has been very slow, but I'm totally optimistic and encouraged that big things are in my future. I will accept the success that comes my way, however it may be. I'm not looking to make a million dollars, (although I wouldn't turn it down if offered it,) but just earn enough to keep my business afloat without affecting my family.

So to my loyal followers, I'm doing it.....I'm pursuing my dream! And I remind myself every day that success lies in the journey, not in the destination. I encourage you all to either start or continue to pursue your dreams as well. After all, we cannot succeed if we first fail to try. Happiness is yours, just reach out and take it....and enjoy the process! Blessings to all my blogging friends!

Monday, August 9, 2010

No More Excuses

Okay my loyal followers (who are by now bored with me), it's time to lay it all out on the table. I am not the best blogger in the world, infact, some of you may think I'm not much good at all. I read all these wonderful blogs written by mommies who post daily, (sometimes twice... what are you, skipping your shower or what)? and I think I need to be doing that too. Then there are the reviews, and the giveaways, and the hops....come visit me and I'll visit you....which is great, if you have that kind of time. As much as I would love to, sorry, can't visit everyone on the list of 260.....not even half of that.

But this post is about me, coming clean, and being me. No more excuses. I do not need to post as often as everyone else, because I'm not everyone else, I'm me. I have my own life and schedule, and I will do what works for me. If I don't gain many followers, so be it. I'm obviously not in the running for being the next Heather Armstrong (WAY too fat anyway), I'm using this blog as an outlet to vent and talk about anything that I feel like talking about. Whether or not anyone wants to read it is optional, I'm doing this for me, not to 'keep up with the Jones's'. (or Jones', you know what I mean).

Yes, I had hoped to meet some great women along the way. I have, and I hope to continue to. But I have so many other things going on in my life right now, I'm finding it hard to devote very much time to this blog.

So to those of you who don't mind only reading a new post every couple of weeks, I'm your gal! I'm not abandoning this blog by any means, just trying to prioritize my life a bit. And I think it's okay for me to do that. No more excuses!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Okay, I'm Hopping Now!

I did promise to do better, so here it goes....

Welcome to the "Welcome Wednesday" blog hop, hosted by Take It From Me! Welcome Wednesday is a great way to meet new people and learn new things as well as increase your blog followers! So let's have some fun!!

If you want to be a part of Welcome Wednesday, just follow these 5 simple steps:

1. Follow the Welcome Wednesday Host (Take It From Me) as well as the 2 Spotlighted Blogs of the Week. (These will make up the top three slots on the Linky)

2. Link up your blog name and URL with our Linky. (You only need to add your info once for it to be seen on all the blog hops)

3. Grab our Welcome Wednesday button and include it in a post about the event on your blog.

4. Go to as many blogs on the MckLinky as you want and Follow them. Be sure to tell them you are from Welcome Wednesday!

5. Be sure to Follow back any followers you have gained from our Welcome Wednesday event!

                                            ------Blog Spotlights of The Week-----

1.) Xenia from Thanks, Mail Carrier writes: "Who doesn't love getting the mail? Thanks, Mail Carrier celebrates the joy that my daughters and I receive when we hear the vroooom of the mail truck as it comes down our block. Focusing on reviews, giveaways and fun information about the best of the best products that can be delivered right to your front door, there's always something new for us to test out and for you to win. Currently celebrating our 1-year blogiversary, the girls and I are running two great weeks (plus a little more!) of amazing giveaways for adults, kids and the whole family. Come on by and say hello... and enter to take home something fun while you're here!"


2.) Niky at Design It Chic writes: "Some would call me Alice in Wonderland.. i just say I'm Niky @ Design It Chic.. totally the same(minus the fat crazy rabbit:) But i do have a potion that makes you bigger or smaller if you will(it's called SEO tips.. psssssssst.. don't tell). Also if you dive with me in the world of craziness, i can teach you tons of blog tweaking tricks, easy HTML tips and I'll even put up a great show for you plus a glass of iced tea, if you're really nice:) So.. what are you still waiting for?? Come on, you know you already love me, I'm just a click away:)"

What's neat about our Blog Hop:

-Put the same linky list code on your blog and you'll have the exact same list!

- Your blog visitors can add their blog to your list and it will show up on Everyones lists!



Blogging = Time

Well to start off I have to say I never realized how much TIME blogging was going to take. As you can see, I often don't have that kind of time. I give props to all you bloggin mommas who can post every day, or even every other......I'm doing good to post once a week.

And the blog hops....yes, I do love them, but they suck you in and before you know it, WA-LA, half the day is gone. I know it's what you have to do to get followers, I guess I just never realized how time consuming it would be. (Come on people, I have to have time to feed the kids...... and lounge in the pool). I guess I thought that people would just follow me, you know, because I'm awesome and all.

Hey, maybe I could start my own blog hop, one where it's all about me. I'm going to call it "Follow Me Or Else My Italian Uncle Frankie Will Follow You And Beat Your Ass".

Okay, okay.....I'll try and get better at hopping, and posting, and  following, I promise.  (Fingers crossed behind my back......"Hello...Uncle Frankie, Can you do me a favor")?

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Welcome and Wordless Wednesday

Another attempt by me at a blog hop. I'm still waiting for someone to tell me I'm screwing this thing up and doing it all wrong. Oh well, here goes nothing.....

Welcome to the "Welcome Wednesday" blog hop, hosted by Take It From Me! Welcome Wednesday is a great way to meet new people and learn new things as well as increase your blog followers! So let's have some fun!!

If you want to be a part of Welcome Wednesday, just follow these 5 simple steps:

1. Follow the Welcome Wednesday Host (Take It From Me) as well as the 2 Spotlighted Blogs of the Week. (These will make up the top three slots on the Linky)

2. Link up your blog name and URL with our Linky. (You only need to add your info once for it to be seen on all the blog hops)

3. Grab our Welcome Wednesday button and include it in a post about the event on your blog.

4. Go to as many blogs on the MckLinky as you want and Follow them. Be sure to tell them you are from Welcome Wednesday!

5. Be sure to Follow back any followers you have gained from our Welcome Wednesday event!

Okay, so here's my first attempt at Wordless Wednesday, although being Italian I'm not sure if I can keep my big mouth shut so I may have to post a caption or two.

Can you say Kung Fu fighting? (See, I knew I wouldn't be able to shut up).

More bars, in more places.

Oh crap, how'd one of me get in here?

Have you ever just felt stuck?

Like, REALLY stuck?

Sorry I couldn't zip my pie hole, hope you enjoyed Wordless Wednesday anyhow.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Another Award, Yeah!


Thank you so much to the awesome Coffee Slut who bestowed upon me yet another award.

The rules for accepting this award:

1. Thank the blogger who gave it to you.

2. List 7 things that people may not know about you.

3. Pass the love to deserving bloggers (They say 15)

4. And let them know that you have presented them the award.

So here's the fun (and kinda scary) part: seven things people may not know about me.

1. I married my husband after only knowing him for three months. Does that make me crazy or a good judge of character? We've been married 18 years, you be the judge.

2. I dropped out of high school. Ouch, that one really hurt to say. Was having way too many family problems, I just couldn't cope. (Good news, I did get my GED a few months later then went on to attend the University of Life)!

3. I've always hated my teeth. They are crooked, and my two incisors are pointed and never grew in all the way. I make a great Dracula at Halloween.

4. I am deathly afraid of heights. Like, won't even climb a step stool kind of afraid. You should see me get in our pool, I think I'm climbing to my death every time.

5. I used to secretly wish I was anorexic. I just wanted so badly to be thin, but couldn't manage to gain control of my Ho Ho addiction.

6. I have a son with Autism. He's 17, loves trains, and just might live with me forever. And that's fine by me.

7. I used to think I was going to be a rock star when I grew up. Boy, was I WAY off!

So here are some of you uber talented deserving bloggers that I will now bestow this award upon:

Coffee Slut  Yeah, I know you gave it to me, I'm givin it what!


Belly Charms

Boobies, Babies, & A Blog


Living My MoMent

Mommy To Two Boys

Organic Enchilada

Take It From Me

Mrs. Wright, Gone Wrong

Things I Can't Say

Confessions of a Dr. Mom

The Truth About Motherhood

The Stinker Pinkers

wendiwinn.she likes stuff.

Now go forth and enjoy your awesomeness!