Monday, August 9, 2010

No More Excuses

Okay my loyal followers (who are by now bored with me), it's time to lay it all out on the table. I am not the best blogger in the world, infact, some of you may think I'm not much good at all. I read all these wonderful blogs written by mommies who post daily, (sometimes twice... what are you, skipping your shower or what)? and I think I need to be doing that too. Then there are the reviews, and the giveaways, and the hops....come visit me and I'll visit you....which is great, if you have that kind of time. As much as I would love to, sorry, can't visit everyone on the list of 260.....not even half of that.

But this post is about me, coming clean, and being me. No more excuses. I do not need to post as often as everyone else, because I'm not everyone else, I'm me. I have my own life and schedule, and I will do what works for me. If I don't gain many followers, so be it. I'm obviously not in the running for being the next Heather Armstrong (WAY too fat anyway), I'm using this blog as an outlet to vent and talk about anything that I feel like talking about. Whether or not anyone wants to read it is optional, I'm doing this for me, not to 'keep up with the Jones's'. (or Jones', you know what I mean).

Yes, I had hoped to meet some great women along the way. I have, and I hope to continue to. But I have so many other things going on in my life right now, I'm finding it hard to devote very much time to this blog.

So to those of you who don't mind only reading a new post every couple of weeks, I'm your gal! I'm not abandoning this blog by any means, just trying to prioritize my life a bit. And I think it's okay for me to do that. No more excuses!


  1. I think it is important that you are doing this for you! Blogging really does take a lot of time and if you don't have it you shouldn't have to apologize! I blog because it is fun, when I want to take a break I do, and that is how it should be. When you feel like sharing something, I will come and visit and share back. In the mean time I hope you have a great week!

  2. I think ditto from more people than you know! I go through spurts, and I've decided that's ok, too.

    I'll still be here whenever you make an appearance! :)

  3. Kimi,
    Girl we are here when you come back:) You need to do what is best for you and your family. Me, I am a crackhead who stays up to the wee hours of the night blogging and trying to respond to my blog comments. But that is because I want to bet he next Heather Armstrong...I'm crazy like that:)I love reading your blog and your perspective.You are on my blog roll so I will come read you whenever you post. Big Hugs, sweetie. And just so you know how much I love your blog and comments. I have something for you to see I do agree however,the blog hops and review /giveaways are very time consuming. I do very little of the review.giveaways, just because I want to focus on the actual content. Happy Mothering, my friend.

  4. Thank you so much for your support ladies, it really means a lot. I just love my blogging friends!
