Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Welcome and Wordless Wednesday

Another attempt by me at a blog hop. I'm still waiting for someone to tell me I'm screwing this thing up and doing it all wrong. Oh well, here goes nothing.....

Welcome to the "Welcome Wednesday" blog hop, hosted by Take It From Me! Welcome Wednesday is a great way to meet new people and learn new things as well as increase your blog followers! So let's have some fun!!

If you want to be a part of Welcome Wednesday, just follow these 5 simple steps:

1. Follow the Welcome Wednesday Host (Take It From Me) as well as the 2 Spotlighted Blogs of the Week. (These will make up the top three slots on the Linky)

2. Link up your blog name and URL with our Linky. (You only need to add your info once for it to be seen on all the blog hops)

3. Grab our Welcome Wednesday button and include it in a post about the event on your blog.

4. Go to as many blogs on the MckLinky as you want and Follow them. Be sure to tell them you are from Welcome Wednesday!

5. Be sure to Follow back any followers you have gained from our Welcome Wednesday event!

Okay, so here's my first attempt at Wordless Wednesday, although being Italian I'm not sure if I can keep my big mouth shut so I may have to post a caption or two.

Can you say Kung Fu fighting? (See, I knew I wouldn't be able to shut up).

More bars, in more places.

Oh crap, how'd one of me get in here?

Have you ever just felt stuck?

Like, REALLY stuck?

Sorry I couldn't zip my pie hole, hope you enjoyed Wordless Wednesday anyhow.


  1. Cute pictures!
    Hope you're having a great week!

  2. Hi, I'm the newest follower from Welcome Wednesday. I look forward to reading your posts.
    Hope you have a great day

    Please visit my blog at

    I would love if you followed me back

  3. Hello! Following you from Welcome Wednesday.....follow me back!

  4. Loved your Wordless Wednesday! The pictures are great! Congrats on your award!

  5. Hi Kimi Jo!!

    Thanks for linking up!! Did you want to join the Over 40 Bloggers Club? Take a look and join in the fun!

    Have a wonderful weekend!!

  6. Thanks for joining Surfin' Saturdays! I'm your newest follower! :)


    And Then There Were 4...

  7. lol cute! thanks for stopping by and following. I'm now following back. Have a great weekend!

  8. Newest follower from Surfin' Saturday. I hope you can come see me at

  9. Hello! I am a new follower from Surfin' Saturday, so glad to have found your blog and I look forward to reading more. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


  10. Thanks for the follow. Following you back!

  11. Hi! I'm following from Surfin Saturday!I hope you'll stop by some time!

  12. Too funny! Following from Surfin' Saturday. Have a fantastic weekend!

  13. too funny...following you back from Surfin' Saturdays - thanks for joining us...but I am pretty sure that chocolate melts on the beach - would a margarita work? ;)

  14. OK. I admit. I LOVE you. I really do. You are now my new Blog BFF and You can't get rid of me. That post captured me and made me laugh. I love funny attitudes and sorry, can't drop cookies today- how about some muffins? Would blueberry work?

  15. cute pictures i especially love the stuck child. lol im your newest follower from Saturday blog hop.

  16. Thanks for joining Surfin’ Saturdays! I’m following you back
    Please link up again next week!

    Love your site!

  17. Oh my girl, you have a lot going on: Worldess Wednesday, a blog hop, and I came here from the Redheaded Riter blog. Love your pictures, but love your captions even more. Glad you couldn't keep your big mouth shut!
