Thursday, July 1, 2010

Blog Wasteland

So I'm trying to learn my way around this whole blogging thing.... the memes, hops, links, etc. I feel like an idiot who is learning to speak a foreign language. The purpose of having a blog, for me, is for people to read it. I know there are bloggers out there who just do it for themselves, they say they don't care if anyone is reading along or not. Liars! They're all liars. If it were only for themselves then they should just think about stuff in their heads. It takes less time and is cheaper, you don't need a computer and internet service.

My goal is to be heard, er, I mean seen. If I'm the only one reading, then what's the point? I already know what I think. (Except for when the voices in my head disagree with me, then I get kinda confused and I'm not so sure).

I'm tired of being in a blog wasteland, I'm starting to get lonely people! I guess maybe if I start writing some interesting content instead of all this bitching and whining it might help. Hey, I know! I'll write about my favorite recipe for homemade organic sunflower soup that my great grandmother used to make when she was still in the old country.....

Um, no. Maybe I can write about that awesome deal that I got on a name brand pair of designer jeans, and how I just happened to get the last one in my size, a perfect size 0.....

Okay, now I'm dreaming.....or hallucinating, I'm not sure which. But it's got to be more interesting than how many times my four year old wet her pants today. Well, looks like we're back to the bitching and whining again........


  1. Hi,

    I am your second follower :) I just started my blog in April, so I am fairly new too. Have a great day.

  2. Welcome Sonya!

    I appreciate you visiting, I was getting kind of tired of being alone.

    Bring your friends. :)

    Take care.

    P.S. Give my best to Sandi. I still haven't made it back to place an order yet but it's on my list of things to do, I'll get there soon.

  3. I'm follower number 4. i was reading your profile. I know what you mean. I have 3 boys. I work part-time outside of the home. I love my boys dearly but there are moments I still dream about being a rockstar lol. Anywho, following you from blog hop friday. Stop by when you get a chance:

  4. Following you from Blog Hop Friday! So glad I found your blog!

  5. It is always fun to find new and "real" blogs! Glad you participated in Mom Loop! I'm following you through NB!!!

  6. Stopping by from Mom Loop. Getting your voice heard can be tough, but your blog is great! BTW, I would be very interested to know how many times your daughter wet her pants. We're about to head into potty training - I need to know what I could be up against! I'm your newest follower! Come check out my blog if you have some time :)

  7. I am follower number 10! I understand your frustration, I am just now getting followers, and it has been so much more fun now, because I too enjoy being heard. I love your blog, I am glad you posted it on the Mom Loop. Come check out my blog too if you get a chance.

  8. There's nothing wrong with bitching and whining. Hell, after hopping back to Mom Loop where I found you, hop over to my blog for world class bitching& whining. : )

  9. Thanks for stopping by and follow from TBH! I am now following you! I only starting blogging in March of this year, you'll get the hang of it! And you're right, ppl aren't writing for themselves ;)

  10. #13 from Mom Loop! And the internet was designed as a place for us to bitch and whine! :o)

  11. Ladies,
    My heart is overflowing! Thirteen followers, I'm speechless. Feels like I just became one of the popular girls in grade school again, I can feel the love (wiping tear from cheek now).
    I tried to visit all of your blogs, hope I didn't miss anyone. If I did come back and remind me again, most days I'm doing good if I remember to feed all my kids. Here's to getting to know you all a bit better, cheers! (Actually a glass of wine does sound good).
